Price, USD
NIR1 Package
The NIR 1 Analysis includes tests for Dry Matter, Moisture, Crude Protein, ADFCP, NDFCP, Soluble Protein, ADF, NDF, Lignin, Starch, ESC, WSC, Fat, Ash, Calcium (Ca), Phosphorus (P), Magnesium (Mg), Potassium (K) and pH on ensiled forage. Calculated values are provided for RFV (forage only), Available Protein, Adjusted Protein, Degradable Protein, NEl, NEm, NEg (NRC summative energy equations), NSC and NFC.
NIR2 Package
The NIR 2 is the NIR 1 Analysis with wet-chemistry Minerals - Calcium (Ca), Phosphorus (P), Magnesium (Mg), Potassium (K), Sodium (Na), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), and Copper (Cu).
NIR3 Package
The NIR 3 is the NIR 2 Analysis plus wet-chemistry on Chloride (Cl), Sulfur (S), and DCAD.
NIR4 Package
The NIR 4 is the NIR 2 Analysis plus wet-chemistry on Crude Protein, ADF and NDF.
NIR5 Package
The NIR 5 is the NIR 1 Analysis plus wet-chemistry on Crude Protein, ADF, and NDF.
NIR Plus Option
This option provides additional value. Graphical reporting and our expanded range reports are obtained using the Plus Option. Nutrients added include 12, 30, 120, and 240hr NDF digestibility as well as uNDF values; fermentation values and soluble fiber on ensiled forages; fatty acid values and a determination of amino acid nitrogen as a percentage of total nitrogen; 7hr starch digestibility; and RFQ on forages.
Calibrate LEAF option
Leaves Enhance Alfalfa Forage test (LEAF) is a predictive equation that assists in determining leaf percentage of alfalfa samples.
An additional $6.00 processing fee will be assessed on samples not requesting a package.
CPM Option
Provides Neutral Detergent Residue (NDR) in place of aNDF analysis.
NIR Non-Forage Ingredients
Almond hulls, Bakery, Beet Pulp, Brewers, Canola, Corn Distillers, Gluten Feed, Midds, SBM, and Small Grains.
Manure Package
Provides Dry Matter, Crude Protein, ADF, NDF, Lignin, Starch, Ash, Ca, P, Mg, and K.
Apparent Nutrient Digestibility
Includes a NIR1 Plus evaluation of a high group TMR and associated fecal matter to generate an evaluation of apparent NDF and starch digestibility.
TMR Control - NIR Package
NIR analysis with chemistry minerals. This package includes Dry Matter, Crude Protein, Soluble Protein, ADF, NDF, ADFCP, NDFCP Lignin, Fat, Starch, Sugar, Ash, Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cl, and S. Also included is an evaluation for peNDF, SPS (starch processing score), and the Penn State Particle Size Evaluation.
TMR Mixer Evaluation Package
(Set of 5 samples analyzed to assess mixer efficiency) NIR analysis with chemistry minerals. This package includes Dry Matter, Crude Protein, Soluble Protein, ADF, NDF, ADFCP, NDFCP, Lignin, Fat, Starch, Sugar and Ash by NIR, and Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cl, and S by chemistry. Report of analyses average, standard deviation and COV is available to download on foragelab.com.
Amino Acid Analysis
Only available for corn silage.
Oleic Acid by NIR
Available on raw or roasted soybeans only.
Fatty Acid Profile by NIR (Bypass Fat Supplements only)
Provides fatty acid profile results by NIR for Bypass Fat Supplement feed types.
Only available for corn silage.
Soluble Starch
Soluble Starch
Madison NIR1
The NIR 1 Analysis includes tests for Dry Matter, Moisture, Crude Protein, ADF Protein, NDF Protein, Soluble Protein, ADF, NDF, Lignin, Starch, Sugar, Fat, Ash, Calcium (Ca), Phosphorus (P), Magnesium (Mg), and Potassium (K) and pH on ensiled forage. Calculated values are provided for Available Protein, Adjusted Protein, Degradable Protein, NEl, NEm, NEg (OARDC Summative Energy Equation), and NFC.
Madison NIR2
The NIR 2 is the NIR 1 Analysis with XRF Minerals - Calcium (Ca), Phosphorus (P), Magnesium (Mg), Potassium (K), Sodium (Na), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), and Copper (Cu).
Madison NIR3
The NIR 3 is the NIR 2 Analysis plus XRF on Chloride (Cl) and Sulfur (S).
Madison NIR4
The NIR 4 is the NIR 2 Analysis plus wet-chemistry on Crude Protein, ADF and NDF.
Standard Package
Includes Dry Matter, Moisture, Crude Protein, Adjusted Protein, Soluble Protein, calculated Degradable Protein (Forages only), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF), Ash, (Energy values on forages only) TDN, NEl, NEm, NEg, RFV (for hays and haylages), and Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu.
Standard Plus Energy
Standard Package plus Fat, Lignin, ADFCP, and NDFCP. Includes NFC. Provides Energy values for non-forage samples.
CNCPS Package (previously CPM Plus)
Includes the Standard Analysis and Lignin, Fat, ADFCP, NDFCP, Chloride, Sulfur, Starch, Sugar, TDN, NFC, NEl, NEm, and NEg. When combined with our Fermentation Analysis a Soluble Fiber is calculated.
RFV Package
Includes Dry Matter, Moisture, Crude Protein, ADF, NDF, calculated RFV (on hays and haylages), and Adjusted Protein. NEl, NEm, NEg and TDN on forages only.
Basic NDF Package
Dry Matter, Moisture, Crude Protein, ADF, NDF, Minerals (Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu), Ash with calculated values for Adjusted Protein, TDN, NEl, NEg, and NEm. (Energy values on forages only).
Minerals Only
Includes Dry Matter, Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Ash.
Minerals Only (High Concentrations)
Includes Dry Matter, Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Ash.
TMR Diagnostic Package
Includes DM, Crude Protein, Soluble Protein, Ammonia, ADF, NDF, ADFCP, NDFCP, Lignin, Fat, Starch, 7-hour Starch Digestibility, 24-hour NDF Digestibility, Sugar, Ash, Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Cl, S, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Lactic Acid, Acetic Acid, Butyric Acid, peNDF, (physically effective NDF - Mertens), SPS (starch processing score) and the Penn State Particle Size Evaluation.
Animal Protein Package
Provides Dry Matter, Moisture, Crude Protein, Soluble Protein, Ash, Fat, Ca, P, Cl, and S.
Liquid Sample
Provides Dry Matter, Moisture, Crude Protein, Ammonia, Fat, Sugar, Ash, Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu.
Liquid Sample with Karl Fischer Moisture
Above analysis with Karl Fischer moisture - appropriate when volatiles other than moisture are present in the sample.
Feed Mill Mixer Evaluation
Evaluation of CP, Ash, Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu on 10 samples. Report of analyses including average, standard deviation and COV is available to download on foragelab.com.
Please note that a processing fee will be added to any component below that is not added to a package.
Acid Insoluble Ash
Must be run with ADF
ADFom (ash free)
ADF Sequential
Ammonia Nitrogen
aNDFom (ash-free)
Crude Fiber
Crude Protein
Degradable Protein (S. griseus)
Must be run with Crude Protein.
Ergot / Fescue Alkaloids in Feedstuff
Fat (Acid-Hydrolysis)
Fat (Ether Extract)
Fecal Starch
Gossypol Free
For Cottonseed Extract and Meal
Gossypol Total
For Cottonseed Extract and MEal
Initial Peroxide on liquid materials
Initial Peroxide on dry materials
Iodine Value on fats and oils
Iodine, Elemental (Minerals & Metals)
Karl Fischer Moisture
Must be run with Crude Protein.
Call for pricing
Moisture Only (Dry Matter)
Moisture loss at 135°C for 2 hrs for feed ingredients; 105°C for 3 hrs for forages.
Must be run with aNDF
Non-Protein Nitrogen (NPN)
Urea and ammonia, CPE basis.
Pepsin Digestibility
0.2% pepsin as per AOAC. Includes Crude Protein.
Prolamin (grain only)
Prussic Acid (Cyanide)
Salt (as chloride)
Must provide expected levels
Soluble Protein
Must be run with Crude Protein.
Soluble Starch
Starch (Gelatinized)
Sugar (ESC)
Sugar (WSC)
Trypsin Inhibitor
Urease Activity
Soy products only.
TAG 1 Package
Includes Dry Matter, Moisture, Crude Protein, Crude Fat and Crude Fiber.
TAG 2 Package
Includes Tag I plus Ash, Ca and P.
TAG 3 Package
Includes Tag I plus Ash and Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu.
TAG 4 Package
Includes Dry Matter, Moisture, Ash, Ca and P.
NDF Digestibility In Vitro Per Time Point
6, 12, 24, 30, 48, 120 or 240 hrs (uNDF). Other time points may be available upon request. A request for a 72 hr or higher time point needs run with NDFom.
NDF Digestibility In Vitro Time Point Series (6 points)
Starch Digestibility In Vitro Per Time Point
2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 24, or 30 hrs. Other time points may be available upon request. Starch by NIR or chemistry needs to be done.
Starch Digestibility In Vitro Time Point Series (6 points)
Starch by chemistry needs to be done.
Dry Matter Digestibility In Vitro Per Time Point
4, 6, 12, 24, 30, 48, 72, 96, 120, or 240 hrs.
Dry Matter Digestibility In Vitro Time Point Series (6 points)
NDF Basic RPE (Rate Pool Evaluation) for Forages
12, 30, 120, and 240 hrs. Needs run with NDFom.
NDF Standard RPE for Forages
4, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, 120, and 240 hrs. Needs run with NDFom.
NDF Basic RPE for Ingredients
12, 30, 72, and 120 hrs. Needs run with NDFom.
NDF Standard RPE for Ingredients
4, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 120 hrs. Needs run with NDFom.
Based on work by Dr. Debbie Ross and Dr. Mike Van Amburgh. An In vitro evaluation of feed material is followed by treatment sequentially with acid and enzymes. Rumen availability as well as intestinal digestibility is provided.
Must be run with Crude Protein.
MSPE (freeze dry method)
Must be run with Crude Protein.
Total tract protein digestibility and indigestibility. Needs run with Crude Protein.
An add-on to the standard package, fat, lignin, ADFCP, NDFCP, sulfur, and chloride.
Corn Silage Processing Score. Must run with a starch or a package that includes a starch.
Must also include a package with chemistry minerals to calculate DCAD value.
DCAD (Cl, S) by XRF
Must also include a package with XRF minerals to calculate DCAD value.
Fatty Acid Profile, 30 meter
30 meter column: 22 fatty acids from C12 to C24, and total fatty acids.
Fatty Acid Profile, 100 meter
Other products requiring 100 meter column: C4 to C24 with trans fatty acids.
Includes Dry Matter, Lactic Acid, Acetic Acid, Propionic Acid, Butyric Acid, Iso-butyric Acid, 1, 2 - Propanediol, Total VFA, pH, Lactic Acid/VFA ratio, Crude Protein equivalent of Ammonia as a percentage of Dry Matter and Crude Protein
Fermentation Analysis Plus
Includes Fermentation Analysis as well as a breakdown of Alcohols, Acetates, and Lactates.
Free Fatty Acids
Free Fatty Acids - RUSHED
Micron Particle Size
Milk Fatty Acid Profile
100 meter column: C4 to C24 with trans fatty acids, de novo, mixed, preformed, total saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, CLA, MUFA, and PUFA. Relative Basis only.
Mold / Yeast Counts
Mold Identification
Mold and Yeast Count with Mold Identification
Particle Size
Penn State Separator
PDI/Urease (soy products only)
Protein Dispersibility Index (includes PDI, and Urease Activity). Needs run with Crude Protein.
Physically Effective NDF. Needs to be run with an NDF or a package that includes NDF.
Toxic Elements
Includes: Arsenic, Lead, Chromium, Mercury
Trace Elements
Includes: Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Selenium, Zinc
Livestock Suitability Package
Includes pH, hardness, total dissolved solids, Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, chlorides, sulfate, and nitrate.
Nitrate Nitrogen and pH
Total Coliform and E.coli
Fluid Elements
Includes Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Phosphorous, Selenium, Sodium, Sulfur, Thallium and Zinc in ppm.
Please contact CVAS prior to shipping any international manure samples. Regulations vary depending on country of origin.
Base Test Package 1
Total Nitrogen, Organic Nitrogen, P2O5, K2O, NH4+-N, Total Solids, Density
Base Test Package 2
Total Nitrogen, Organic Nitrogen, P2O5, K2O, NH4+-N, Total Solids
Water Soluble Phos
PSC included
Minerals (with manure package)
Ca, P, K, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu
Volatile Solids
Carbon (C/N Ratio)
Provides Total Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio
Mycotoxin Basic
Aflatoxin (B1, B2, G1, G2), Deoxynivalenol, and Zearalenone
Mycotoxin Plus
Mycotoxin Basic Panel with Fumonisin (B1, B2, B3), T-2, HT-2, and Ochratoxin A
Mycotoxin Premier
Mycotoxin Plus Panel with 3-Acetyl DON, 15-Acetyl DON, Citrinin, Fusarenon X, Nivalenol, Neosolaniol, and Diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS)
Mycotoxin, individual
Aflatoxin (B1, B2, G1, G2), Deoxynivalenol (Don / Vomitoxin), Zearalenone, Fumonisin (B1, B2, B3), T-2, HT-2, 3-Acetyl DON, 15-Acetyl DON, Ochratoxin A, Citrinin, Fusarenon X, Neosolaniol, Nivalenol, or Diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS)
Not available for international samples
MSPE, In Situ
Needs to be run with Crude Protein
Protein Digestibility In Situ
Rumen Undegradable Protein (RUP) at 16 hrs. Needs to be run with Crude Protein.
Dry Matter Digestibility In Situ Per Time Point
24, 30, or 48 hrs. Other time points may be available upon request.
Starch Digestibility In Situ Per Time Point
7, 16, or 24 hrs. Other time points may be available upon request.
NDF Digestibility In Situ Per Time Point
6, 24, 30, 48, 96, or 120 hrs.Other time points may be available upon request. A request for a 72 hr or higher time point needs run with NDFom.
Must be run with Crude Protein.
Total Lysine
Total Methionine
Cystine, Methionine, Lysine plus 9 more
Cysteine, Methionine, Lysine, Aspartic Acid, Threonine, Glutamic Acid, Proline, Glycine, Alanine, Valine, Isoleucine, and Leucine.
Full Profile without Tryptophan
Cysteine, Methionine, Lysine, Aspartic Acid, Threonine, Glutamic Acid, Proline, Glycine, Alanine, Valine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Serine, Tyrosine, Phenylalanine, Ornithine, Histidine, and Arginine.
Full Profile with Tryptophan
Cysteine, Methionine, Lysine, Aspartic Acid, Threonine, Glutamic Acid, Proline, Glycine, Alanine, Valine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Serine, Tyrosine, Phenylalanine, Ornithine, Histidine, Arginine, and Tryptophan.
Samples run for Nitrate, Nitrogen, Carbon, or Sulfur without a mineral package will incur a $6.00 processing charge.
Provides Nitrogen, Phosphorous (P), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Sodium (Na), Sulfur (S), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), and Boron (B). Minimum weight of fresh material: 35 grams.
Trace Minerals each
Cadmium, Cobalt, Lead or Nickel, priced per mineral.
Equine Basic
This NIR package includes Dry Matter, Moisture, Digestible Energy, NSC, NFC, RFV (hays and haylages only), Starch, Sugar (WSC and ESC), Crude Protein, Soluble Protein, ADFCP, NDFCP, Lignin, ADF, NDF, NDFom, Fat,
Ash, Calcium (Ca), Phosphorus (P), Magnesium (Mg), and Potassium (K).
Equine Lancer
This package includes Dry Matter, Moisture, Digestible Energy, NSC, NFC, RFV (hays and haylages only), Starch, Sugar, Crude Protein, Soluble Protein, ADFCP, NDFCP, Lignin, WSC, ADF, NDF, NDFom, Fat, Fatty Acids total),
and Ash by NIR. Chemistry minerals are provided, superior analytically to
NIR predictions, including Calcium (Ca), Phosphorus (P), Magnesium (Mg),
Potassium (K), Sodium (Na), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), and
Copper (Cu).
Equine Chemistry Basic
This package is similar to the Equine Lancer package but uses reference chemistry methods in place of more economical NIR. It provides Dry Matter, Moisture, Digestible Energy on forages only, NSC, RFV (hays and haylages only), Starch, WSC, Crude Protein, Soluble Protein, ADF, NDF, Ash, Calcium
(Ca), Phosphorus (P), Magnesium (Mg), Potassium (K), Sodium (Na), Iron (Fe),
Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), and Copper (Cu).
Equine Chemistry Complete
This package includes Dry Matter, Moisture, Digestible Energy, NSC, NFC, RFV (hays and haylages only), starch, Sugar, Crude Protein, Soluble Protein, WSC, ADF, NDF, ADFCP, NDFCP, Lignin, Fat, Ash, Calcium (Ca), Phosphorus (P), Magnesium (Mg), Potassium (K), Sodium (Na), Sulfur (S),
Chloride (Cl), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), and Copper (Cu).